This basic AI kicked my butt... not at the game, but trying to code it I mean. Its my first AI, and it only SOMETIMES cheats at the game:)

How to play:

  1. Choose what letter you will use to mark your place (please don't choose the same letter for both players, I didn't program for that and I don't wanna re-export (>~<))
  2. Click on the small squares to mark that spot. The cursor will show you which player's turn you are on. (it switches every time you place a letter)
  3. When you click on a space, the board you are playing on will switch to the one which corresponds to your marked square.
  4. If you get 3 in a row, you win that board and it will be taken out of play.
  5. If you win 3 boards in a row, you win.
  6. If you stalemate, then you can determine the winner by most boards won, or restart using the button at the bottom.

Special thanks to my Twitch helpers!

  • Bot524
  • Flarethebird
  • Ironic moronic
  • Lokitrixter

Published 28 days ago
Made withGodot

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